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Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Rules For 2010 A MUST READ!

Today, I got up before the sun, as usual. Another Christmas is here. I had some time before everyone got up to think of Christmases past and the optimism I have on Christmases to come. There is not a pile of gifts under our freshly cut tree. The decorations are minimal and the perennial playing of Frank Sinatra and Deano holiday songs is not playing.

In the front window sits a fiber optic tree just 3 feet tall. It is my Charlie Brown Christmas tree. There are a few assorted family gifts and holiday clutter in the dining room. There are no lights circling my house as in years gone by. When the kids got up there was no rapid shuffling in slippered feet as each of them jockeyed for first place in the gift grabbing derby. The paper wasn't strewn about like a Hallmark Tsunami hit our family room. There was no happy faces at receiving the perfect gift or familiar frowns as a box with socks or underwear was opened.

My wife got up and her back hurt. My daughter got up and jumped in the shower. My son grabbed a cup of coffee and retreated to his room to rid the world of Nazi Zombies. My, how times have changed. How fast the times goes. There was hugs and kind words of love and it was a relaxing, contented feeling as my tiny children have grown. But there is some melancholy reflection on how I miss those days.

Later we will be visiting Kris' side of the family for Christmas dinner and gifts. Her family is colorful and very Italian. I remember times when certain family members would irritate me to the point of obsession, thus robbing me of a lovely day. Some couples have broken up or moved away to start broods of their own in different towns and distant places.

My wish to you today is enjoy TODAY! There will come a day when the adrenalin charged shrieks of your kids will be replaced with their new plans and new friends. Traditions long held will be altered as multiple family visits demand careful time management and logistical planning. There are times when our kids talk or chatter so much we wish they would shut up. The day is coming when you will crave that chatter and have to pry a decent conversation out of them.

WARNING! One of your family members will make you crazy today. One will drink too much. Another will gossip or say nothing. A story that you wish was long forgotten will be thrown in your face and new stories will be created. Don't let it get to you! Nobody should have that much power over us anymore.

Family is our family. Our kids will soon be grown and gone. New traditions will replace the old and some members will disappear from death, divorce or whatever. Enjoy every minute today! Suck the life out of your kid's antics. Accept the crazy things Uncle Joe does as cute. Forget what happened to you when you were 9. Live this Christmas like it is your last.

This is my first Christmas without my dad. Our family was able to bring him home last year and it was difficult to see him declining. We all somehow knew that it would be our last together as one. I miss him today and everyday.

As you go about the frenetic pace this day brings, be thankful for what is right in your world. Put pain aside and breathe gratitude and thanks for what you have been given. Be more thankful for what you haven't been given. We only have today. So does everyone who populates our hearts and minds. Just for today live your life as love, happiness and gratitude.

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