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Monday, January 24, 2011

We're All Human Just Squirrels Looking for a Nut....

I am writing with a shot of melancholy. It may be my depression which can take me from feeling like heaven to a lonely hell, faster than a 2 minute commercial break. It might just be life. You never know. I am a fixer, trying to make the world happy, all 60 billion of them at once. Usually it's just the handful of people in my orbit, but I want to make everyone happy. All of my arranging and staging, planning and execution usually backfires. I may make some happy and one sad. I may make everyone happy and be the one ending up sad. It's a lot of work being a fixer.

In my world my son has girlfriend issues, my wife has work issues, my daughter has health issues and I feel the need to fix things I can't control instead of accepting life just the way it's supposed to be, until the next sunrise. I know this too shall pass when things are good or bad. It is a blip in the very blessed life that I have been given.

Being in comedy and acting is a very exciting lifestyle and I have had the opportunity to meet and work with celebrities and movie stars. I have talked with famous comedians and actors and was exhilarated by the opportunities. As my career grows there will be many more of these meetings and high profile events. I am grateful for that. I am not a movie star or famous comedian. I have been an extra in a few episodes of "The Chicago Code" and "Shameless." I was an extra in the film "Contagion" and "One Small Hitch." I have played many comedy clubs around Chicago and been featured a few times. I have starred in one commercial. There have been a few radio interviews and newspaper features based on my addiction and recovery.

That sounds so cool. It's stuff we dream about as kids and maybe even as adults. I would be a liar if I said I didn't get satisfaction out of my career and the adulation that comes with it, but I am just a guy. I have the same feelings, sadness, joy, setbacks and successes as anyone. There is no difference between me and Billy at the video store, Matt Damon or you. My job just seems more interesting to some than the video store gig.

I had to break off a Facebook friendship with a person because they thought I was something more than I am; and that is just a man. It really hurt me to break off the relationship but it was becoming unhealthy for the both of us. I have led an interesting life and have struggled through some demoralizing circumstances and made it through to the other side. The most important lesson I have learned from working in show biz is that we are all just a bunch of squirrels trying to find a nut. We are all just trying to keep it together for one more day. Some of us do it under a sink with a wrench, others on a 40 foot screen or TV.

I remember when I met BB King when I was working in radio. He is one of my blues idols. I was shaking like a leaf. I thought he had on too much cologne. When I met Iggy Pop at WXRT I was shaking like a leaf and in awe that he was shirtless and as crazy as I imagined he would be. Most of us have met a "celebrity" along the road sometime and were fascinated with their fame and glamour. Each one of them went home, had a bite to eat, brushed their teeth, took a pee and went to bed.

I hope this entry doesn't come off as smug. It is meant as the complete opposite. I am blessed to have a voice in helping people understand addiction and depression a little bit better. That is my message. I am just a messenger. I am just like a bike delivery guy but don't have the skin tight weenie pants on when I deliver my message.

My fascination with celebrity was "right sized" when I worked with Jennifer Beals on my first day on "The Chicago Code." She was professional and had a job to do. She didn't float on air and gushed at showing pictures of her child to the cast and crew. She was just a doting mother beaming at her beautiful child. It was at that moment my amazement and nervousness at working with a star went away. She was just a lovely lady showing her family pictures proud as a peacock. The celebrity life is an exciting life but we all will live and die, turn to dust and be forgotten. We all have issues to face, kids to raise, bills to pay, feelings of joy and sadness no matter what we do for a living.

I truly pray that if I ever find some level of success when I am a full time professional actor or comic, that I don't change. If I do I know you guys will slap me back down to size. I think I have a pretty good grip on it, but I'm giving you the go ahead to let me know if my melon is getting too big for the patch. To my friend I am flattered that you think of me as more than what I am. There are many more well qualified people to talk to and share your world with. You are a beautiful person.

Single mothers and fathers, parents and teachers, cops and firemen, nurses and healthcare workers, volunteers and the forgotten are heroes in my world. When I am dead and gone please remember me as a father and husband, son and brother, friend and a regular guy who tried to share hope and laughter in a dark world and help people understand the complexity of addiction and depression.....and oh yeah he was a comedian and actor too.....God Bless!

1 comment:

  1. You have got this completely upside/down, turned around and half-ass always did. Hope you take this with a grain of salt when I was never about 'you'. The person looking for help, obviously has some major issues that only professional help and time may heal..completely out of your range and scope. Maybe you can admit that scared you a bit, maybe not...doesn't matter really.

    The "thing" this person was looking for was your journey to the other to get past and deal with addictions they had thought they conquered, plus the up/downs obssesions and the rants and feeling totally alone as the one in a billion in the nightmare hell they found themselves. Drowning by yourself in the deep end of the pool, having a few people throw you some lines,and out of panic almost pulling them in too. The lifelines are withdrawn..Oops! just'll have to wait for somebody else to help you.

    And all the while this person is drowning, thay are thinking wtf did I do? I should have stayed out of the water or in the shallow end..and just had a superficial good time with all my friends...friends who really didn't know me at all..because I didn't know myself.
    That person learned how to tread water..but is tired.Maybe because everyone else drowns in water, and I am drowning in jello..the addiction just may be too different. Friends? some help, some cheer, some never were, and some idk..what do you call it? idk either. Does it matter? It still hurts..

    Waited on a lot of celebrities..some were sweet, others were jerks..they were the "same" as any other table..just buzzed about more.No big deal.
