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Sunday, May 13, 2012

What a Mutha!

Happy Mother's Day! I hope you all take the time to say that today to your Ma. If they are in heaven, don't worry, they just moved from their condo into your heart. If your adopted send well wishes into the cosmos.

Most, if not all of us have had issues with our Mother at some time in our lives. Some of them are real, deep seated wounds. Yet others are because we wanted things our way and had a strong woman in our world to say "NO!"

If you haven't talked to your mother in a while, today is the perfect time to do it. You may say, "after what she did, and said to me...forget it!" Family conflict is real and sometimes brutal. That's called life. Mom's are human, just like us. Why is it that we think that our folks should allow us to make mistakes, but we think they should be the ones accountable for theirs?

Without your mother you wouldn't even be thinking about their faults! Why? It's simple. YOU WOULD NOT BE....Mother's gave us life. They carried around a watermelon in their belly for nine months! Would you do the same for her?! I hope the answer is yes. They fed you when you were helpless. They clothed you and did the best mothering they could do. It may not be the way you want the picture painted. Maybe your not the way Ma wanted you to be. What's the difference?

I hope two things happen on this Mother's Day. The first is that you tell your ma you love her. The second is that you tell her "THANK YOU," for giving me life. WE don't have much time here. Eating a meal of crow is a lot easier than guilt gnawing at you for what you didn't say or do. You don't have to be right, even if you are. That's not the point. Without mothers you would be...NOWHERE! Thank GOD for their sacrifices!

Apologizing isn't admitting your wrong. It's recognizing the fact that your relationship is more important than your pride....God bless you and your Mother....To my Mom, second Mom and wife,,,thanks for being a Mutha!

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