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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

One of THOSE Days....

Every day I try to make people smile. I try to post an uplifting picture or quote to get people off to a positive start in the morning. My posts usually revolve around catching dreams, and not giving up. To be completely honest, there are days that I post encouraging words when I'm feeling discouraged.

When I think I'm going to have "one of those days," I DO! Today is a perfect example. I woke up with the world on a string. I was sitting on a rainbow. I posted a few quips, and sent out my "Happy Birthdays," as I sipped my coffee. I was scheduled for a commercial audition that I was looking forward to. I was waiting for the final proof to come back on Soul Parole. I was grateful to know I was going to work tonight. Things were just peachy. Then it happened!

I opened the door to the basement and saw it had flooded from the heavy rains that passed through last night. I knew I had electrical cords on the floor so I had to wait for the sump pump to catch up out of fear of becoming a Crispy Creme. I contemplated building an Ark but didn't know where to get 2 lemurs and 2 sloths! I had to cancel my audition.

As I checked my emails the proof did not come through for the book, and one of the venues that I had hoped to share my message with took a pass. The email I sent to the agency that booked me for the audition came back to my email. I had replied to my own message! It appeared as though I just blew it off. That's not the way I roll. I went from Mr. Sunshine, to Dr. Doom.

When I have days, like today, I always think God is testing me. If not it's the devil trying to kill my spirit. During these moments of uncertainty I have to intentionally stay positive. If I dwell in the negativity over my day I want to go for full blown destruction. I begin to question every facet of my life! Is my marriage good? Should I go to California? Maybe, Tibet! Do the kids like me? That bump on my face is not a zit. It's a tumor that's gonna kill me. Man, it becomes a three ring circus up in my melon!

I tried to put on my game face and called a couple of friends. I have been taught that if I get out of my head, and into helping someone else, I forget my problems in a jiffy. Every call I made was greeted with an answering machine recording. The volcano of self pity was about to blow like Peter Brady's did all over Marcia!

I needed fresh air. I love birds. Hawks are my favorite. I can't stand crows! As I sat looking out of my garage biting my lip, and questioning the heavens, a crow landed on my fence! He was staring right at me! Good Lord! What are you trying to tell me here?! As I feigned a panic attack, a fly the size of a humming bird flew in. I HATE FLIES IN MY HOUSE AND AT RESTAURANTS! It freaks me out.

I slammed the door shut after I got the flying pterodactyl out of my space, and sat down in a lawn chair to catch my breath. As I peered across the lawn to see the ugly crow, he was gone. At that instant a dove landed on the same spot the dark menace had just been. It began to coo. The sound of doves cooing takes me back to summers in Carlyle, Indiana when I was a kid. I would sit on the porch swing for hours in the tiny town just listening to their calls. I dialed another friend that picked up the call. I was coming down off the ledge.

My mind has such a hold on me sometimes, that I think it's the strongest organ in my body. It over takes my heart sometimes. I know it's doing it, but I let it get me anyway! I had to redirect my thinking to pleasant thoughts. I reflected on how lucky I was. My son came home with good news about a college he wants to attend. I looked at my dogs and thought about how happy they make me.

I have learned that life is not "mind over matter." It's mind over WHAT really matters!" I create my own days. No one MAKES us happy. We let them make us happy. Bad days happen. They can be just bad days. I don't have to react like I'm stuck in the steerage level of the Titanic. I just have to make it through the day. The sun will rise tomorrow. The basement will dry. The success of the book will be, or not be. I am alive and have all my needs met.

I can choose to look at the doves and smile, or focus on the crows and flies. It's all in my mind, and I can change that. If that doesn't work I can always go to bed and pray for a dry, crow and fly free day tomorrow. 

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