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Saturday, August 4, 2012

He Can't Parallel Park Either....

Anxiety and Faith are emotions and convictions that were created by man. The two were not encoded on  our double helix. We created them. That does not mean they aren't real. They just don't fit in with the "fight or flight" instincts we were born with.

When I was in fifth or sixth grade I had a teacher named Miss. Pester. God Rest her soul. Her full name was Minnie Pester. She was no mouse, and tossed this mick around a few times. I was terrified of her. Everyone was. As I recall she was about a hundred years old. She had bright white hair she tucked up into a perfect bun. She wore black framed cat like glasses from which she glared down at everyone from.

I was the class clown so I spent many afternoons sitting next to Miss Pester as she taught the well behaved kids. I would peek around from the corner of her desk to make a face at a friend and POW! Miss Pester would slam my head on the drawers of the ancient wooden desk she ruled from. Sometimes I would reflect on my stupid antics performed to make friends laugh. I would quickly dispense of them. Laughter was worth the pain. Public school was different back then. She had no problem slamming the lids of our desks onto our heads, or fingers, if we were misbehaving.

Between sharing her experiences of living under covered wagons,  and my wondering how many kids she had killed over the years, she was a sturdy woman. She was a woman of faith. During our quiet time, I recall her reading endlessly from General Robert L. Scott's book, "God is My Copilot."

I would stare at the three gigantic moles on her chin as she read. They all had thick grey hairs shooting out from their cores. They taunted me as she read. It was like the Seinfeld episode, or when Austin Powers was hypnotized by a facial mole. I lived those moments. I wanted to grab one and pull it every time she scolded me. My senses fought to over ride my impulses. Her tiny ancient frame could kick my prepubescent ass!

The book title stuck with me. Over the years I came to respect Ole' Miss Pester. She was old school. Literally. I can appreciate that now. She couldn't survive in the "don't hurt the kids' feelings" school system of today. I often think a couple of Miss Pesters' are needed these days.

Another catch phrase that snared me is, "Let Jesus Take the Wheel." Carrie Underwood does an amazing job sharing a beautiful message in the song. As a comic, lots of jokes came to mind when I first heard it. I started doing a few. The punch lines were either, "don't do it in traffic", or "he can't parallel park either!" Ultimately the song is about turning over our anxiety to God and keeping the faith.

I pray. I just chat with the bug guy. Sometimes I do formal prayers. Most of the time I am sharing my worries, and asking for advice and guidance. I try to turn my cares over to him on a daily basis. I trust and have absolute faith that he will get me through any turmoil in my life.

I have to be careful when I'm turning over my faith. I still need to act. I beg for answers to my questions in MY time. I have prayed for jobs to come, then get frustrated when He doesn't make one fall out of the sky! He should know I'll take a collect call from him.! When my kids do crazy things I say to myself, " okay GOD I'm giving this to you. I'm just gonna worry about how you're going to handle it." I drive myself nuts, or worry myself into paralysis.

Miss Pester taught me what to do, and what not to do in her class. When I listened things were cool. If I ignored her warnings, I ended up with the sore head. I trust God. I thank God for waking me up each morning. HE doesn't set the alarm clock. I thank him for the food he puts on the table. I still have to shop. I tell him to take the wheel, or be my copilot. I still have to drive the car. He's going to get me to where I'm supposed to be going. I still have to get up and go, and believe I'm heading in the right direction ....

SOUL PAROLE: Making Peace with My Mind, GOD and Myself is on sale NOW at and Amazon Europe. Personalized copies can be purchased through PAYPAL at by clicking the link at the top of the page. 

Proceeds benefit Chicago Area addiction, homeless and mental health programs.

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